Tenuta Selvaforte

A family passion

The family

est. 1890

From Duca Carlo vineyard
to Filippo's farm

Wine is a family passion with ancient roots going back to the distant 1800s among the cultural salons of upper middle class society, where Duke Carlo Bussola, Filippo’s great-great-grandfather, loved to entertain himself talking about literature, art and culture while enjoying excellent wine.

The wine, that soon became a passion made of research and work, took the form of a small but highly sought-after personal production. The distinguished Prosecutor of the Kingdom and Attorney General of the Court of Cassation in Palermo, Duke Carlo Bussola, had finally planted his first vineyard and finished the first harvest becoming able to crown his dream by producing his first wines. In the early 1900s, the first sales began in the neighboring areas. In the following years the facility expanded and the sales increased, but mainly locally.

The quantum leap came only in the 2000s, when Filippo, great-grandson of Duke Charles, passionately began to devote himself to this activity. Initially Filippo, with the help of his father Roberto, devoted himself to the development of the agricultural part, expanding the areas of the family vineyards and adopting cultivation methods projected to obtain a quality product. Later Filippo devoted himself to the business organization and the marketing of the products by identifying sales channels both in Italy and abroad. Customers today choose the company because they find in every bottle the taste of Tradition, Quality and Reliability.


La prima vendemmia del Conte Carlo


Nasce la prima fattoria fra le colline del chianti


Roberto Molendi prosegue l'attività di famiglia con Tenute del Granducato


Filippo entra nell'azienda come direttore commerciale ed export manager di Drink Italy


Nasce Tenuta Selvaforte il nuovo Brand della Brand della famiglia Molendi guidato da Filippo e dalla sorella Francesca

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